Available MP3 Download: Forgiveness That Knows No Bounds / The Kind Of People God Uses, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, February 18, 1968. Hidden Treasure.
Forgiveness That Knows No Bounds
In the Communion, we confess our sins, sensing our deep need before the Lord, and we partake of the fact that although we are sinners and sin is so obnoxious in the sight of the Father, He has provided a perfect and complete atonement. He paid the price. We appropriate the Lord’s precious blood, for this is mercy without limit, this is forgiveness that knows no bounds, this is what it means to be accepted in the beloved, brought nigh by the blood of Jesus Christ.
The Kind Of People God Uses
God wants people who are going to give Him the glory because they utterly depend on Him. God deliberately chooses inadequate individuals to accomplish His great purposes in the earth. He wants people who are audacious to try and who are not hung up on their own inadequacy because they know that God can do anything. This ought to encourage your heart.