God’s Promises For A Prophetic Community

by Gary Hargrave

Release #: 2017-0228-2R



Available MP3 Download: God’s Promises For A Prophetic Community, by Gary Hargrave, translated by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niterói, Brazil on Monday, February 27, 2017.

God’s Promises For A Prophetic Community

The vision of the prophetic community was given to our founding father, John Robert Stevens, in 1972. The prophetic community would be a people created into oneness as the family of God who have a deep love and care for one another; they would be led by the Spirit and speak God’s Word with authority to create the Kingdom of God on earth. The scriptural foundation for this vision is found in Psalm 144 and Joel 2.  This Word tonight proclaims the prophecies and promises that create the prophetic community. These prophecies from the Lord declare to us the day of blessing, the day of restoration, and the day when God will create a mighty people. There has never been anything like it, nor will there be again (Joel 2:2). Their sons in their youth are as grown-up plants, their daughters as corner pillars fashioned as for a palace (Psalm 144:12). Our children will move in a maturity to bring forth and hold up the Kingdom of God!   The Lord will be zealous for His land and He will make up to you for the years that the locust has eaten (Joel 2:25). “My people will never be put to shame” (Joel 2:27). All of these promises are for the nation Israel and for the prophetic community today.  Tonight we prophesy, releasing His Word, and the prophetic community comes to birth!

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