He Owns Us All / Pure Love Gives, Not Possesses

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2010-0904-5R



Available MP3 Download: He Owns Us All / Pure Love Gives, Not Possesses, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Haiku, HI on Thursday, September 9, 1982 and in Haiku, HI on Saturday, September 11, 1982.

He Owns Us All

The pure relationship between us depends upon our giving ourselves over wholly to the Lord. If the Lord possesses me and I am not my own, can I presume to possess another? When Christ is Lord over us all, we will create among ourselves the pure atmosphere of the Kingdom.

Pure Love Gives, Not Possesses

You cannot belong to the Lord and yet possess others. They too, must belong to the Lord, not to you. Here is true teaching on the unselfish giving quality of love, and the key to our joyful relationship to the Lord. This Word came as a prelude to a wedding.

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