His Glory In Earthen Vessels / Sow Bountifully And Reap Bountifully

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2017-0921-2R



Available MP3 Download: His Glory In Earthen Vessels / Sow Bountifully And Reap Bountifully, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, October 22, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

His Glory In Earthen Vessels

Our ministry is to have the glory of the Lord shining forth from us. We believe for that, even though we are just earthen vessels that the Lord is scouring. We do not put any confidence in the flesh. Instead, we recognize the great need we have for God’s mercy and we reach into His boundless grace. During times of sifting when the Lord is opening up a new plane of walking with Him, it is important that we ask for His forgiveness and cleansing so we are prepared to move on with Him. This message ended in prayer and encouragement for us to draw near to Him.

Sow Bountifully And Reap Bountifully

People and churches are blessed when the people tithe faithfully, but we should not give with a sense of legalism. Our giving should be filled with hope and with the anticipation that if we sow bountifully, we will see the Lord cause us to reap bountifully. Start giving and watch God bless you.

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