How Spiritual Warfare Has Affected Our Relationships

by Gary Hargrave

Release #: 2008-0108-5R



Available MP3 Download: How Spiritual Warfare Has Affected Our Relationships, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niterói, Brazil on Sunday, March 11, 2007.

How Spiritual Warfare Has Affected Our Relationships

We have lived through many days of warfare. In order to survive and to stand firm against the schemes of Satan, we had to put on the armor of God; however, this has tremendously impacted our relationships. Now, the Lord is saying that it is time for days of peace. We take off our armor and our defenses, let go of our resistances, and live in a new atmosphere where Satan and his accusations against us have been cast out. Today, we exchange our swords for plowshares. It is time for us to bear fruit.

Scriptures: Eph. 6:10-17; Isa. 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-4; (I Tim. 6:12); (John 8:4-11); (Heb. 4:12)
Topics: Warfare; Relationships, Kingdom; Conditioning
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word
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