I And II Peter / I, II And III John

by John Robert Stevens

Release #: 2014-0313-6R




Available MP3 Download: I And II Peter / I, II And III John, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken circa 1960.

I And II Peter

I Peter was written to believers who were scattered because of great persecution. The theme of I Peter is hope in the midst of suffering. This book is characterized by a great exaltation of Christ. II Peter was written to combat the influence of false teachers. The theme of this book is “grow and be steadfast in spite of false prophets and scoffers.”

I, II And III John

Although the epistles of John are written simply, their truth is profound and is presented with authority. I John deals with love, light, life, fellowship and the knowledge of the Lord. II John warns against heresy and false teachers, and teaches that love should be expressed in truth. III John is a message to workers of the truth.

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