Incorporating New Testament Churches / Introducing Romans 8

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2010-0601-5R



Available MP3 Download: Incorporating New Testament Churches / Introducing Romans 8, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 28, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Incorporating New Testament Churches

The scriptural foundation for the authority structure in a local New Testament church establishes the pure spiritual life of the church, while also forming the basis for a legitimate corporation recognized by our government. The service began with a baby dedication.

Introducing Romans 8

In this Word, John introduces a series of messages on Romans 8, that he will be bringing over the next few weeks. Romans 8 covers several great topics, but the primary emphasis is the life in the Spirit that is available for every believer. This message was also spoken on March 28, 1965 Sunday AM in Sepulveda, CA and was released under the title, “An Introduction To Romans Chapter 8,” and printed in the book, Romans Eight Outlines. [underline book title]

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