Is A Miracle Reasonable? / Your Love Makes Your Faith Effective

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2009-0729-2R



Available MP3 Download: Is A Miracle Reasonable? / Your Love Makes Your Faith Effective, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, December 28, 1978 and in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, January 5, 1979.

Is A Miracle Reasonable?

What can we learn from the mass confusion that occurred just before the actual miracle of Lazarus being raised from the dead (John 11:1-17)? It was the climate for a miracle! Miracles are not necessarily reasonable. We cannot reason or think our way into a miracle. Faith is reasonable; but very rarely does reason produce faith.

Your Love Makes Your Faith Effective

The power of God was released when Christ was moved with compassion for the multitudes. The greater works will be released in this day by the synergistic action of faith and love in our hearts.

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