Judaism’s Heart Of Inclusion

by Gary Hargrave

Release #: 2018-0310-2R



Available MP3 Download: Judaism’s Heart Of Inclusion, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Jerusalem, Israel on Friday, March 2, 2018.

Judaism’s Heart Of Inclusion

As we conclude Shiloh University’s Israel tour, we leave this land with a tremendous thankfulness for the heart of inclusion that is so rooted in Judaism. All the prophecies and promises belong first and foremost to the Jewish people. We who were afar off and without hope in the world were grafted in through the ministry of Jesus (Ephesians 2:11-12). Are all the promises and prophecies ours? Absolutely yes! They are ours by virtue of inclusion, not by virtue of us excluding or replacing the Jews from their covenant. It is impossible for God to break His covenant with His people, and it was into this unbreakable covenant that we have been grafted. Let us not forget that Jesus was a Jew. He lived His life on earth as an observant Jew (Matthew 5:17). He lived the Judaic heart of inclusion by reconciling us to God and including us in the covenant (Romans 5:8-11). Thank You, Father, for giving us Your Son who included us in Your covenant. Thank you to the Jewish people for continuing in the covenant from generation to generation so that it could be handed down to us. We receive your heart of inclusion, and with that same heart, we draw people into the Messiah and into His Kingdom.

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