Let’s Believe For More! / Is He Absolutely First?

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2018-1117-2R



Available MP3 Download: Let’s Believe For More! / Is He Absolutely First?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Thursday, February 29, 1968. Hidden Treasure.

Let’s Believe For More!

While the world believes less and less, let’s believe more. The day of miracles is not over. We are entering into the seventh millennium, the day of spirit, when God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh and restore all things that were spoken of by the prophets since the world began.

Is He Absolutely First?

What does it mean to put God first? You will find out what it means when you face the things that you love more than anything else in this world, and God says, “Put Me first.” This is the crucial point upon which the restored church of Jesus Christ will succeed or fail. The Lord must absolutely be our Lord even if it means that we settle for less gifts, ministries, signs, and wonders. God wants to give us as much wealth as He gave Job, David, or any of the wealthiest men in the Bible, but it would be a burden to us unless He has our absolute devotion, love, and dedication.

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