Mark 2:1-13 / Mark 4:33-41 / Ghosts In The Dark / Great Claim And Great Commission

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2011-0616-3R



Available MP3 Download: Mark 2:1-13 / Mark 4:33-41 / Ghosts In The Dark / Great Claim And Great Commission, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Los Angeles, Ca. on Thursday, November 7, 1963 and in Los Angeles, Ca. on Friday, November 8, 1963 and in Los Angeles, Ca. on Monday, November 11, 1963 and in Los Angeles, Ca. on Tuesday, November 12, 1963.

Mark 2:1-13

People were drawn to Christ because they sensed that He could meet their need. Christ understood people and He was touched by their infirmities, and they knew He could heal them and minister deliverance to them.

Mark 4:33-41

God took our need so that we may take His fullness.

Ghosts In The Dark

The worst of our problems are imaginary. We need to remember that there is no problem in this world, there is no circumstance in this life that cannot be solved by our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Great Claim And Great Commission

Christ said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:16). This great claim by Christ is also the strength and power behind the great commission He has given us.

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