Now, In His Authority! / The Perfect Oneness / The Word That Feeds

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2015-0310-2R




Available MP3 Download: Now, In His Authority! / The Perfect Oneness / The Word That Feeds, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Tuesday, June 29, 1982.

Now, In His Authority!

Into the sixth week of an experience greater than the Unfolding, we pause to survey and highlight what is coming. The week of intercession was followed by the week of persistent faith and now comes the call: All authority is His, and ours, by His commission. “When we heard this Word it created us.”

The Perfect Oneness

This is a penetrating survey of a number of things that limit the effectiveness of the Word; of our oneness; of our love. See how much falling a little short dilutes the flow! “When we heard this Word it created us.”

The Word That Feeds

This Word distinguishes those who feed upon others by soulish bonds from those who feed Christ to one another in oneness. Here is the contrast between those who give a letter of the Word and those who give the Word that feeds. “When we heard this Word it created us.”

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