Oneness And Bonds And Vampires / Korah Had Relatives

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2018-0811-2R



Available MP3 Download: Oneness And Bonds And Vampires / Korah Had Relatives, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Shiloh, Kalona, Iowa on Sunday, April 16, 1978 and in Washington, IA on Sunday, April 16, 1978.

Oneness And Bonds And Vampires

Here is another important revelation about our relationships. It explains our striving for oneness, the drag that soulish and fleshly bonds cripple us with and the way that these bonds can become vampire spirits upon our soul life. Here is a contrast between the relationships that strengthen and the bonds that weaken our walk with God.

Korah Had Relatives

There are always problems when we relate to one another after the flesh. Korah and some of his family did not see Moses with revelation, but after the flesh. Other sons of Korah saw Moses in God and they wrote many of the Psalms. This message emphasizes our knowing one another in the spirit and not after the flesh.

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