Oneness In Christ: A Key To Appropriation / How Does God Accomplish His Purposes?

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2018-0125-4R



Available MP3 Download: Oneness In Christ: A Key To Appropriation / How Does God Accomplish His Purposes?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, November 19, 1967 and in Sepulveda, CA on Thursday, November 23, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

Oneness In Christ: A Key To Appropriation

As you fellowship with one another, come into a oneness in Christ and learn how to impart and receive from each other by taking these simple steps. First, enter into a oneness with the Lord in worship. Next, whatever you are seeking for, draw it from the fullness of Christ. Then, think on it as your very own until you possess it. To strengthen what you have appropriated, come into oneness with someone who has already appropriated it, then ask that individual to impart it to you. This is the way to live with a constant appropriation in the realm of your spirit.

How Does God Accomplish His Purposes?

The great scroll described in Revelation chapters 4 and 5 is symbolic of the whole plan of God and all the purposes of God toward humanity. These chapters indicate that God did not sovereignly open the seals apart from a human instrument. His own Son had to be the first instrument in His hand to open the door for thousands of human instruments to fulfill the destiny that was written upon the scroll. Through a humble people who are yielded and submissive to Christ as Lord and believe in Him, God will achieve His purposes on earth. This Thanksgiving Day message describes the hour of destiny that we are already living in.

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