Our Bondage Is Not Our Fulfillment And Our Deliverance Is Not Our Destruction

by Gary Hargrave

Release #: 2018-0716-2R




Available MP3 Download: Our Bondage Is Not Our Fulfillment And Our Deliverance Is Not Our Destruction, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, NiterĂ³i, Brazil on Sunday, July 15, 2018.

Our Bondage Is Not Our Fulfillment And Our Deliverance Is Not Our Destruction

This Word shows us how God wants to deliver us out of our bondage to other gods so that His Lordship is the only dominion over us. Just as it was with the Israelites when God was delivering them from Egypt, we can be so conditioned by the gods we serve that we would rather stay in bondage than to have God deliver us. At one point, the Israelites called Egypt the land of milk and honey! (Numbers 16:13). The symbiotic relationship they had with their state of bondage prevented them from seeing what God was doing for them. Satan twists what God is doing to make it appear that our bondage is fulfillment and our deliverance is destruction. The truth is that God disciplines us as His sons so that we may come into His holiness and possess His promises. He wants to break us free from every other commitment and every other bondage that we have given ourselves to so that we may live purely in His Kingdom. In the process, we must not confuse His discipline with destruction. The truth of His Word must live in us so that we are not subject to satan’s lies about our deliverance. Lord, we love Your discipline and we receive it gratefully as sons, knowing that You love us and are delivering us from all other gods that have had dominion over us.

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