Our Great High Priest — Lesson 1 / Redeem Your Time

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2018-1128-2R



Available MP3 Download: Our Great High Priest — Lesson 1 / Redeem Your Time, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 18, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Our Great High Priest — Lesson 1

Christ shed His deity and immersed Himself into all the trials and tribulations of being human. Through His victory on the cross, He opened the door for many more sons to share in His glory at the right hand of the Father. This simple, powerful message on our redemption clarifies, once and for all, God’s ultimate destiny for us.

Redeem Your Time

This message contains practical steps for effectively utilizing your time so that you live every single day disciplined and dedicated unto the Lord, fulfilling the destiny God has for you. Do not waste time.

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