Our Heart’s Cry For His Presence

by Gary Hargrave, Marilyn Hargrave

Release #: 2016-0629-4R



Available MP3 Download: Our Heart’s Cry For His Presence, by Gary Hargrave, Marilyn Hargrave. This message was spoken in Shiloh, Kalona, IA on Tuesday, June 28, 2016.

Our Heart’s Cry For His Presence

The atmosphere during the School of Prophets at Shiloh will be filled with wonderful things, but there is no substitute for abiding in the presence of God. To set our focus for this time, we listened to a message by Marilyn Hargrave titled “Our Heart’s Cry” from March 17, 1987. In it, Marilyn poured out her heart that Shiloh exist for a single purpose – to be a dwelling place for God. She opened our hearts to participate in a time of deep travail to cause God’s hand to move, and for us individually to find a heart relationship with Him. We take Marilyn’s words as our repentance before entering the School of Prophets – allowing them to scrape the layers off of our lives that cover over our hunger to walk with God. Father, fill this place. Descend and remain in Shiloh; descend and remain in our lives.

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