Our Precious Relationship With The Father / The Reason For Restrictions — Part I

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2017-0725-8R



Available MP3 Download: Our Precious Relationship With The Father / The Reason For Restrictions — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, October 1, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

Our Precious Relationship With The Father

We may not look like much from a worldly viewpoint, but God has regenerated us, brought us into His family, and formed us into a holy priesthood and a living temple. Our faith and our acceptance of God’s Word have created a relationship with Him that is more precious and wonderful than anything else.

The Reason For Restrictions — Part I

Restricting relationships and circumstances can help guide your spirit into the dedication and preparation you need to walk in better things. If you try to free yourself from those restrictions, the preparation you need to walk in liberty will not have been worked within you. Abide in the calling wherein you were called (I Cor. 7:20,24) and let God be the one to remove those restrictions.

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