Plug Into The Spirit

by Gary Hargrave

Release #: 2016-0702-2R



Available MP3 Download: Plug Into The Spirit, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Shiloh, Kalona, IA on Friday, July 1, 2016.

Plug Into The Spirit

When God created Adam and Eve, He made them to live in one realm that was both natural and spiritual. When they sinned, their spirits died and their ability to perceive the Spirit was lost. Like Adam and Eve, God wired us to function in both realms, but our flesh is unplugged from the spirit realm. John 3:3-4 tells us that unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. God has given us a bridge into the realm of spirit: His Word, praying in the Spirit, and worshiping in the Spirit. As we use these tools to bridge us into the realm of spirit, we will fulfill the Father’s determination that we become sons in the image of His Son. With this Word, the family of God will continue to become a prophetic community connected to and led by the Spirit of God.

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