Providing For The Maturing Of Missionaries / Righteousness That Comes By Faith

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2017-0526-4R



Available MP3 Download: Providing For The Maturing Of Missionaries / Righteousness That Comes By Faith, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 27, 1967 and in Frazier Park, CA on Wednesday, August 30, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

Providing For The Maturing Of Missionaries

In this message John Stevens conveys a vision to bring missionaries into maturity so that no matter what comes in this last hour of this age, they will be able to go on with God, filled with the Spirit, their spiritual defenses set, ready to do the will of God. Winning souls will be done by combating the powers of darkness in the realm of spirit, and then building spiritual protection so the newborn babes in Christ begin to grow and are brought into maturity.

Righteousness That Comes By Faith

Let us condition our thinking not to legalism but to the righteousness of God that comes by faith. When it comes to ministering to one another, there is nothing more important than faith which works though love. At our initiative, we open our hearts, and we send faith and love to eachother.

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