Renew An Upright Spirit / A Covenant By His Grace

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2018-0313-2R



Available MP3 Download: Renew An Upright Spirit / A Covenant By His Grace, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Friday, December 1, 1972 and in South Gate, CA on Saturday, December 2, 1972. Hidden Treasure.

Renew An Upright Spirit

Psalms 51 leads us to answer the question: Do I have a right spirit before the Lord? Ask the Lord to search your heart; let there be truth in your innermost being. The danger of a wrong spirit is that you will lose your awareness of His presence.

A Covenant By His Grace

At this wedding ceremony, the Lord causes two lives and two spirits to merge into one by His grace and mercy. Our covenants and vows should be made by His strength, not by our own resources. By His grace we are empowered to become and to do His will.

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