Scapegoats / A New Testament Service / Church Attendance / Forgive

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2011-0617-4R



Available MP3 Download: Scapegoats / A New Testament Service / Church Attendance / Forgive, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Los Angeles, Ca. on Tuesday, June 30, 1964 and in Los Angeles, Ca. on Wednesday, July 1, 1964 and in Los Angeles, Ca. on Thursday, July 2, 1964 and in Los Angeles, Ca. on Monday, July 6, 1964.


This message is our deliverance from the scapegoat mechanism that is inherent to the adamic nature.

A New Testament Service

The apostle Paul has given us the instructions for how our church services can be an anointed expression of the life of God. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the great anointing and spiritual life of the early New Testament church was re-duplicated today?!

Church Attendance

The assembling together where the spirit of the Lord has set you is of utmost importance to fulfill the will of God in your life.


A bitter, unforgiving spirit poisons the whole stream of life that God has for you. Repent and forgive, so that your spirit stays unentangled from the weights that could so easily restrain you.

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