Submit Your Freedom To His Lordship / Use Your Freedom To Serve His People

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2018-1012-2R



Available MP3 Download: Submit Your Freedom To His Lordship / Use Your Freedom To Serve His People, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, February 15, 1968 and in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, February 16, 1968. Hidden Treasure.

Submit Your Freedom To His Lordship

In this message, John gives the young people some practical advice for their walk with God. As our spirits become more free in the Lord, we must use that freedom to serve Him. Instead of using our freedom for our own purposes, we allow the Holy Spirit to direct all of our activities. John also counseled the young people not to get caught up in the spirit of this age. While others may protest against the world situation and try to live as nonconformists, we truly do not conform to this world as we decide to live as citizens of His Kingdom who are under the absolute Lordship of Christ.

Use Your Freedom To Serve His People

We are in the conjunction of a whole new age and God is opening up a day of enlarged spiritual understanding, appropriation, and perception. As He frees our spirits, any dissensions or divisions in our midst must end and we must use the force of our spirits to minister to each other. We must restrict our spirits to do nothing at our initiative but to be led by the Holy Spirit. Through love we will serve each other, and as we see an influx of new believers we will love them and minister to them as God wants. This is how we come into the freedom of the sons of God.

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