Available MP3 Download: The Answer For Man’s Loneliness / Your Victory And Deliverance, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Sunday, April 26, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 10, 1964. Hidden Treasure.
The Answer For Man’s Loneliness
Man’s loneliness existed since his creation, and God recognized it was not good. His answer for mankind is in the mystical, holy oneness that He is bringing between all of His believers. Loneliness is also overcome when the Body of Christ praises and worships the Lord together, until love and strength flows from one to another.
Your Victory And Deliverance
Even though God anointed David when he was a boy, he only became a king because of what God wrought in him when the difficulties and problems made it imperative for him to appropriate God’s strength and grace. This study of Psalm 18 is also your story of victory and deliverance.