The Elder Brother’s Sin / The New Testament Service / Disinherited By Fear / Brought Out — Brought In

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2011-0616-4R



Available MP3 Download: The Elder Brother’s Sin / The New Testament Service / Disinherited By Fear / Brought Out — Brought In, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Los Angeles, Ca. on Thursday, July 23, 1964 and in Los Angeles, Ca. on Friday, July 24, 1964 and in Los Angeles, Ca. on Monday, July 27, 1964 and in Los Angeles, Ca. on Tuesday, July 28, 1964.

The Elder Brother’s Sin

The parable of the prodigal son teaches us two great truths: to believe is to love; and to love is to believe.

The New Testament Service

Paul’s admonitions to the Colossians and to Timothy show us the ingredients that should be manifested in a New Testament church service. We are living in the days in which God is restoring the power of the New Testament church.

Disinherited By Fear

Live your life with joy and faith. Refuse to be disinherited from the promises of God because of your fears.

Brought Out — Brought In

When you are in a personal wilderness experience, hold fast to the promises. Do not despair; God is bringing you out from bondage to bring you into a walk with Him and a place of richness.

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