The Faith-Facts And Fear’s Lying Circumstances / Changing The Facts

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2017-0907-2R



Available MP3 Download: The Faith-Facts And Fear’s Lying Circumstances / Changing The Facts, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in No. Hollywood, CA on Tuesday, January 12, 1982 and in No. Hollywood, CA on Saturday, January 9, 1982.

The Faith-Facts And Fear’s Lying Circumstances

When you believe God’s Word, the Word is and will be the fact. When you fear and doubt, Satan assails you with lying symptoms and circumstances that are wrongly interpreted in your unbelief. Arise and proclaim the Word that describes and determines what is and what is to be. Arise and prophesy that you are what God intended you to be and that you are His Kingdom on the earth. I am what He says I am. I do what He commissions me to do.

Changing The Facts

This phone conversation explores our absorption with our circumstances as the unchangeable facts. Actually, “faith always frames the age to come” (Hebrews 11). Faith speaks a Word that creates a new world of facts.

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