The Lord Has Given A Living Word, But Who Has Heard It?

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2017-1028-6R



Available MP3 Download: The Lord Has Given A Living Word, But Who Has Heard It?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in No. Hollywood, CA on Friday, March 23, 1979.

The Lord Has Given A Living Word, But Who Has Heard It?

This Word was delivered to a recent assembly of about 150 pastors that met in Sepulveda to find direction for legal problems, etc. The Word became the most important challenge to the churches for a long time. Every church was built through the basic living Word that came by print or by recording, but the churches as well as individuals are stalemated when they fail to heed the Word that is coming in a progressive, unfolding revelation. How can we understand what God will do when we’ve not listened to the Word that tells us what He is doing? Confusion results from facing circumstances and battles without understanding the Word God is giving. This is absolutely essential.

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