The Maturing Of Our Spiritual Perception / Awaken To An Awareness Of His Presence

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2017-0725-6R



Available MP3 Download: The Maturing Of Our Spiritual Perception / Awaken To An Awareness Of His Presence, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, September 28, 1967 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 1, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

The Maturing Of Our Spiritual Perception

This message is a teaching on how to draw closer to the Lord, how to perfect our spiritual perception, and how to become a spiritual being who can walk with God and know His leading all of the time. Practical steps are given that enable us to increase and mature our spiritual perception and revelation.

Awaken To An Awareness Of His Presence

When the Holy Spirit becomes very dominant and strong within you and through you, then any oppression against you must immediately cease. In your spirit, rise up to the throne of God and surround yourself with His presence. Your greatest protection is right at the throne of God. You come into His presence and all things are available. This is the foundational principle for how we minister to each other and build up our spiritual auras.

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