The Priestly Ministry / Plead From A Position Of Victory

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2009-0901-7R




Available MP3 Download: The Priestly Ministry / Plead From A Position Of Victory, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 1, 1964 and in Northridge, Ca. on Thursday, November 5, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Priestly Ministry

It is inevitable that offenses, discord, and sin will occur in a church. However, the priestly ministry of a people within the church can avert God’s judgment on the congregation and bring deliverance. At the first sign of God’s dealings, they are dedicated to fall upon their faces and to intercede and cry out to God for mercy.

Plead From A Position Of Victory

The blood of Christ is our protection and provision, and it is the eternal sign of Satan’s defeat. Why then are we not moving in more of God? As we stand in the victory that His blood has provided, we must also simplify our life so that the voice and the leading of God can come through to us.

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