The Redemptive Work Of Christ / Prepare Now For His Coming

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2012-0912-7R




Available MP3 Download: The Redemptive Work Of Christ / Prepare Now For His Coming, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, January 9, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

The Redemptive Work Of Christ

By one sacrifice, Christ paid the price for our complete, thorough redemption and freed us from the power of Satan and sin. Therefore, the title to our lives has been transferred to Christ, and as His possession, we must realize the place of security we have in the Father.

Prepare Now For His Coming

We cannot neglect our preparation and expect to be ready at the coming of the Lord. We cannot recall a lost opportunity. Preparation must be made all throughout our lives, not at the last minute. Lord, teach us how to walk with You every day.

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