The Right Motivation / Positioned In His Love

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2011-0517-7R



Available MP3 Download: The Right Motivation / Positioned In His Love, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Wednesday, June 9, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, June 13, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Right Motivation

Your personal motivation in walking with God must be right. Seek the will of God for one reason only: to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not what you pray for that determines whether it is in the will of God, but the motivation behind your prayer. In this day, God is searching the human spirit. He wants to be absolutely first.

Positioned In His Love

If you are experiencing tests and trials, this message will leave you quietly standing on the Rock of Ages, where you will see how secure and firm is the love that God has for you. His love for you causes every detail in your life to work for the only good God sees: your conformity to the image of His Son.

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