The Sons Of The Prophets Blaze A New Trail

by Gary Hargrave

Release #: 2016-0131-4R



Available Mp3 Download: The Sons Of The Prophets Blaze A New Trail, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niterói, Brazil on Sunday, January 31, 2016.

The Sons Of The Prophets Blaze A New Trail

As this year’s School of Prophets at Monte Sião draws near, our hearts are in a time of preparation to create what God is going to do. The sons of the prophets, who were raised under the anointing and teaching of Elisha, created a new place to dwell because the place they were in was “too limited for us” (II Kings 6:1). The sons and daughters initiated it; Elisha dwelt in the atmosphere they created and was able to perform miracles he had never done. We come to this School of Prophets, not to see what our teacher will create, but to be those who create and blaze a new trail. We are looking for a personal meeting with the Lord, a walk with God, and the manifestation of the sons of God who set all creation free from futility and usher in the Kingdom of God. In our intensity, we will find it. This School of Prophets belongs to the sons of the prophets.

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