The Way To A Steadfast Ministry / We Are New Wineskins

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2017-1219-2R



Available MP3 Download: The Way To A Steadfast Ministry / We Are New Wineskins, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Wednesday, October 25, 1967 and in South Gate, CA on Thursday, October 26, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

The Way To A Steadfast Ministry

God chastens us and uses circumstances to bring us into a revelation of the Lord, which in turn leads us into a sustained and enduring ministry. It is shattering to come face to face with Him, but out of that experience comes what God wants: a steadfast ministry. We will become those who stand together without breaking ranks, loving and taking responsibility for each other. This service started with a time of judgment to break bottlenecks and it sets great things in motion.

We Are New Wineskins

Be new and fresh in the Lord. Be flexible and ready to receive and to give. Refuse to grow old in your thinking and in your spirit. This is a progressive, unfolding walk with God. Although we respect everything that God has restored to His Church, we are eagerly reaching into the next steps. Fantastic fulfillments will come as we take faith to launch out in God.

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