Unworthy Vessels — Part I / We Humble Ourselves To Serve / Unworthy Vessels — Part II

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2018-0116-2R



Available MP3 Download: Unworthy Vessels — Part I / We Humble Ourselves To Serve / Unworthy Vessels — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, November 26, 1967 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 26, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

Unworthy Vessels — Part I

John Stevens expounds on four passages from Isaiah chapters 40, 41, 42 and 43. First, God is interested in bringing us to a place of humility, but also to a place of complete faith in what He is able to do through us as His unworthy vessels. We can never make it by ourselves anyway, so wait on Him and He will give you His strength. Second, we have a positive reassurance from the Lord that He will always be with us and He will always meet our need. Third, having begun a good work in you, the Lord is able to complete it and bring forth everything His will has decreed for you. In the last passage, the Lord assures us that He will give us immunity from destructive circumstances and experiences, and bring us through them. We should be a people who trust the Lord and rejoice in Him in all things.

We Humble Ourselves To Serve

We must remember how the Lord humbled Himself to wash the disciples’ feet. He that would be the greatest must become the servant of all.

Unworthy Vessels — Part II

John Stevens expounds on four passages from Isaiah chapters 40, 41, 42 and 43. First, God is interested in bringing us to a place of humility, but also to a place of complete faith in what He is able to do through us as His unworthy vessels. We can never make it by ourselves anyway, so wait on Him and He will give you His strength. Second, we have a positive reassurance from the Lord that He will always be with us and He will always meet our need. Third, having begun a good work in you, the Lord is able to complete it and bring forth everything His will has decreed for you. In the last passage, the Lord assures us that He will give us immunity from destructive circumstances and experiences, and bring us through them. We should be a people who trust the Lord and rejoice in Him in all things.

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