What Are You Capable Of? — Part I / Our Changing Church

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2019-0220-2R



Available MP3 Download: What Are You Capable Of? — Part I / Our Changing Church, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, March 10, 1968. Hidden Treasure.

What Are You Capable Of? — Part I

During times of intense spiritual pressures and upheaval, what are we capable of? Will our flesh nature erupt with its wickedness and corruption, or will we rise to spiritual heights that are beyond our imagination? How we respond under pressure depends on our appropriation of the life of Jesus Christ to feed our spirits. We must come boldly to the throne of grace and fill ourselves with His Spirit. By His grace, we will know the power of His risen life living and moving in us. In this Communion service, the grace of His sacrifice becomes an alive, fresh, personal application to each one of us.

Our Changing Church

God is setting before us a pilgrim’s way of walking with Him, as He did with Abraham. Look into the Word, find out what God is setting before us, and be courageous and bold enough to pray it through and get an answer from Him. We will try a lot of things and mistakes will be made, but even those mistakes God will turn for His glory and blessing. Let’s be flexible and open to change. Our feeling of security will come from putting our hands in His, knowing that He loves us. With an adventurous pilgrim spirit, we will feel our way into the greater things of God that have yet to be visited upon the earth.

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