What Shiloh Have You Come To?

by Gary Hargrave

Release #: 2017-0628-2R



Available MP3 Download: What Shiloh Have You Come To?, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Shiloh, Kalona, IA on Wednesday, June 28, 2017.

What Shiloh Have You Come To?

We are coming to Shiloh to become a school of prophets. In the Scriptures, the school of prophets began with Samuel hearing the voice of the Lord. God called out and Samuel had to learn how to respond. We want to know why the Word is not working in us; it is not a problem with the Word, it is a problem with our ability to hear the Word. We must ask: Are we still willing and able to hear Him? Shiloh in the Scriptures went from a place of worship and hearing the Word to a place where they forgot the Word of the Lord, and He brought judgment and devastation. Which Shiloh are we coming to today? Are we coming to the place of His presence, where our drive is to sacrifice our lives and live in Him? Or have we come to the place where we’re so passive and hard of hearing that God has left? Cry out to Him with gut-wrenching hunger. Come here with the drive in your heart to find Him, lay hold of Him, and connect with Him in a way that you never lose Him again. Father, give us ears to hear Your Word and be changed.

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