Your Communion With The Lord / The Open Door No Man Can Close

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2017-1129-2R



Available MP3 Download: Your Communion With The Lord / The Open Door No Man Can Close, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, November 5, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

Your Communion With The Lord

As we partake of the Communion, we must not be guilty of performing a ritual that is meaningless. In the Communion, our Lord is saying to us, “As you eat, open your spirit. Come into a oneness with Me. Receive My life and My strength unto yourself.” The Communion is the mystical mingling of our spirits with His.

The Open Door No Man Can Close

Behind this great day of restoration and blessing is the Lord of lords Himself. He has the key of David and He has opened a door that no man can close. He is saying to us, “The door is open; enter in.” Let us enter in with all the faith in our hearts and lay hold of every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. Prior to the Word, John gives a report on several exciting breakthroughs that are happening throughout the fellowship: printing of “The First Principles;” establishing a printing and recording ministry to publish the Word; the possibility of a church among the Amish people who have received the Holy Spirit; and developing camps and retreats for our young people.

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