Out of Print

Release #: 82-02-26-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

December 13, 1981 Sunday P.M. Val.

How shall I think about one who has been commissioned? Shall I evaluate him carefully as to his qualifications? Or shall I rejoice in faith that God is choosing the weak among us to confound the mighty? Christ doesn’t give a commission to those that are worthy. He says, “You are chosen and commissioned to follow Me.” (72 min.)

Scriptures: I Cor. 1:26-31; II Cor. 5:16; Zech. 4:6
Topics: Men of God; Chosen; Commissioning, Commission; Co-Creator; Acceptance, of Others
Series: The Measurements of Spirit; Create the Atmosphere; Commissioned? Charge!; The Unfolding Expanded
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening

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Out of Print

Release #: 82-02-17-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.

January 3, 1982 Sunday A.M. Val.

All our service will not please Him if we have broken the greatest commandment of all. We love Him with all our heart and all our works are a loveactivity. (40 min.)

Scriptures: Rev. 1:20; 2:1-7; (I Sam. 2:3); (James 2:17); (John 5:39)
Topics: Love, to the Lord; Relationship, with the Lord; Self-Acceptance; Christ in You; Application
Series: The Unfolding Expanded; The Measurements of Spirit
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening

December 1, 1981 Tuesday Aft. No. H.

Love is the basis of all our functioning in the Kingdom. Whatever we do, first we love. However, if we are to endure, we are sustained by knowing His love for us. (2 min.)

Scriptures: I John 4:16-21
Topics: Love, His for Us; Faith; Mind
Series: JRS Dictates
Rated: For Mature Sons

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Out of Print

Release #: 82-02-12-03-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

January 19, 1982 Tuesday Aft. No. H.

The soul-flesh nature is similar to the reptile in that it is deceptive, destructive, and devours other living things. The true spiritual life is not predatory but creative. Break the bonds that suck. Bruise the head
of the snake; don’t feed it! (35 min.)

Scriptures: Heb. 5:12; I Cor. 3:1-2; 2:14; II Cor. 11:3,15; John 16:12; Gal. 5:15; (Rom. 8:7);(Prov. 18:21)
Topics: Bonds; Maturity; Shepherding; Vampire Spirit; (Love, Human or Divine); (Soul, Soulish)
Series: JRS Dictates; The Unfolding Expanded; The Measurements of Spirit;Living Word Prophecies; All Those Bonds
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening

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Out of Print

Release #: 82-02-07-03-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

February 5, 1982 Friday P.M. No. H.

The unfolding spirals upward as we are thrust into a higher spiritual level and its warfare. The soul-flesh is the level of satanic access to us. With the work of the cross, we move immediately in our spirits to a greater oneness and awareness of the Lord. This step demands that we be filled with the Spirit on this higher level. This is one of the most careful evaluations of the soul and spirit realms. (106 1/2 min.)

Scriptures: Hag. 2:9,12-15; Gal. 1:12,16; Gal. 5:16,24-25; 6:12-14; (Col. 2:20; 3:1,5,15-16); (Phil. 3:10)
Topics: Fullness; Bonds; Cross Experience; Relationship, with the Lord; Soul, Soulish; (Defilement)
Series: The Unfolding Expanded;The Measurements of Spirit;The Counterfeit Crucifixion
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening

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Out of Print

Release #: 82-02-07-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

February 5, 1982 Friday P.M. No. H.

The unfolding spirals upward as we are thrust into a higher spiritual level and its warfare. The soul-flesh is the level of satanic access to us. With the work of the cross, we move immediately in our spirits to a greater oneness and awareness of the Lord. This step demands that we be filled with the Spirit on this higher level. This is one of the most careful evaluations of the soul and spirit realms. (106 1/2 min.)

Scriptures: Hag. 2:9,12-15; Gal. 1:12,16; Gal. 5:16,24-25; 6:12-14; (Col. 2:20; 3:1,5,15-16); (Phil. 3:10)
Topics: Fullness; Bonds; Cross Experience; Relationship, with the Lord; Soul, Soulish; (Defilement)
Series: The Unfolding Expanded;The Measurements of Spirit;The Counterfeit Crucifixion
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening

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Out of Print

Release #: 82-02-02-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.

January 17, 1982 Sunday 8:00 A.M. No. H.

In the Kingdom, every true commission has a forerunner and every true commission is a forerunner of ministries to come. Mutually and individually, we create the freedom in which every charge is fulfilled. Each of us prepares the way of the Lord.” We run interference for each other so that everyone makes a touchdown. A commission is fulfilled in the atmosphere it creates first as it also creates the atmosphere in which other commissions are fulfilled. (64 1/2 min.)

Scriptures: (Heb. 1:1-2); (Isa. 40:3)
Topics: Commissioning, Commission; Faith, Vicarious; Faith, Creative; Atmosphere, Spiritual; Kingdom; (Delegation); (Relationship, with the Lord)
Series: JRS Dialogue; The School of Prophets; Faith Creates The Unfolding Kingdom; Commissioned? Charge!; The Measurements of Spirit; Create the Atmosphere
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening

January 17, 1982 Sunday 11:45 A.M. No. H.

In the Kingdom, every true commission has a forerunner and every true commission is a forerunner of ministries to come. Mutually and individually, we create the freedom in which every charge is fulfilled. Each of us prepares the way of the Lord.” We run interference for each other so that everyone makes a touchdown. A commission is fulfilled in the atmosphere it creates first as it also creates the atmosphere in which other commissions are fulfilled. (16 1/2 min.)

Scriptures: (Heb. 1:1-2); (Isa. 40:3)
Topics: Commissioning,Commission; Faith, Vicarious; Faith, Creative; Atmosphere, Spiritual; Kingdom; (Delegation); (Relationship, with the Lord)
Series: JRS Dialogue; The School of Prophets; Faith Creates The Unfolding Kingdom; Commissioned? Charge!; The Measurements of Spirit; Create the Atmosphere
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening

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Out of Print

Release #: 82-01-31-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

January 29, 1982 Friday A.M. No. H.

The vicious soul-flesh nature has many tactics to evade the work of the cross. Philippians 3:18 identifies these as enemies of the cross although they are professing Christians. The enemies of the Kingdom are the enemies of the cross. (72 1/2 min.)

Scriptures: Phil. 3:18-19; (I John 2:19); (I John 5:18); (Jude 1); (Gal. 6:14); (Jonah 2:8)
Topics: Cross Experience; Evasiveness; Soul, Soulish; Faith;(Teaching)
Series: Unwrapping; The Measurements of Spirit; The Counterfeit Crucifixion; Changing the Facts
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening

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Out of Print

Release #: 82-01-29-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.

January 26, 1982 Tuesday A.M. No. H.

The oneness confronts and creates the cross in one another, then it brings the release into fullness of life. You are in my heart to crucify and to make me alive. Then you must free me from every shackle, for I will be all that your faith releases me
to be to you. (28 1/2 min.)

Scriptures: (Luke 7:37-50)
Topics: Oneness; Cross Experience; Unveiling; Faith
Series: Unwrapping; The Measurements of Spirit; Words Over San Diego, California
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening

January 27, 1982 Wednesday Aft. No. H.

Until the soul-flesh dies on the cross, it struggles to preserve its existence in its feeding on the flesh-life of another. The flesh can simulate a cross experience, but that counterfeit is deadly. (29 min.)

Scriptures: (Phil. 3:18-20); (Gal. 5:13,15)
Topics: Cross Experience; Soul, Soulish; Kingdom; Spirit, Human; (Repentance)
Series: JRS Dictates; Unwrapping; The Measurements of Spirit; The Counterfeit Crucifixion
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening

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Out of Print

Release #: 82-01-24-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.

January 6, 1982 Wednesday Aft. No. H.

The Lord’s commission to each of us determines the role in which we serve Him. By His commission, we are to be the leaders or the followers in His Kingdom; but neither leader nor follower should distort by their influence on each other what God wants or what God wills us to be. Whether we are leaders or followers-neither is a position to be pursued nor promoted. (24 min.)

Scriptures: Matt. 23:11; (II Tim. 2:2); (Psa. 23:1-2)
Topics: Leadership; Commissioning, Commission; Position; Submission
Series: JRS Dialogue; The Unfolding Expanded; The Measurements of Spirit; Create the Atmosphere
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening

January 14, 1982 Thursday 5:00 P.M. No. H.

Because God gives His commissions and charges to the meek and the humble that are apparently without leadership drive, it is necessary that those who have a revelation of that one’s commission should create the proper atmosphere of faith for its fulfillment. They must believe, submit, but never put down nor exert undue influence upon that commissioned one. (56 1/2 min.)

Scriptures: (Isa. 53:1-3);(II Cor. 12:9-10); (Matt. 11:29); (II Tim. 2:2); (Zech. 4:6)
Topics: Commissions; Men of God; Right Relating; Atmosphere, Creating It
Series: The School of Prophets; Faith Creates The Unfolding Kingdom; JRS Dialogue; Commissioned? Charge!; The Measurements of Spirit; Create the Atmosphere
Rated: For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening

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Out of Print

Release #: 82-01-16-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

January 13, 1982 Wednesday P.M. No. H.

Though God may deliver us from the oppressions of the enemy, He must also deliver us from our habitual responses to living in the jungle warfare. Reactions and responses can be a conditioned habit that is harmful to those who love us and stand with us. Instead, we will say to those who have suffered for us, “Thank you, now we will heal you–and you will have no scars from the conflicts we have shared.” (47 min.)

Topics: Responses; Defenses; Healings, Spiritual; Oneness
Series: The School of Prophets; Faith Creates The Unfolding Kingdom; The Measurements of Spirit; Changing the Facts
Rated: For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening

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Out of Print

Release #: 82-01-06-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

January 4, 1982 Monday A.M. No. H.

This teaching clearly and simply shows what God sees in us and the way the world sees us. But most important of all, He is teaching us to see one another’s hearts and discern one another beyond our obvious, negative qualities. (49 1/2 min.)

Scriptures: II Cor. 12:1-9; 10:9-10; 11:6; I Cor. 1:17; 2:2-4; Exo. 20:2-6; Isa. 53:2; Rom. 15:1-7; I Thess. 5:23-24
Topics: Inadequacy; Acceptance, of Others; Love, His for Us; Lordship; (Glory)
Series: JRS Dictates; The Unfolding Expanded; The Measurements of Spirit
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening

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