
Showing 2801–2900 of 6447 results


Receive His Unlimited Endowment

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0607-1R

Receive His Unlimited Endowment, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Saturday, December 8, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Receive His Unlimited Endowment

In the progressive unfolding of His plan for us, God intends to give us, by His grace, all things. Yet, we are content to accept so little and to build a monument around one experience as if it is the final one God would give us. Even the gifts of the Holy Spirit are simply a partial endowment of what God has for us in His vast, extensive plan. Press in to receive the fulness of His endowment for you.

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The Power Of Prophecy / Anticipate Abundance

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0607-3R

The Power Of Prophecy / Anticipate Abundance, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 5, 1963 and in Washington, IA on Wednesday, May 8, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

The Power Of Prophecy

Enter into the prophetic flow and speak the Word of God, for God is providing a richer and more powerful anointing for revelation and impartation by a living Word. Prophecy will become God’s manifold instrument by which He destroys Babylon and imparts to people in the capacities of faith to do exploits.

Anticipate Abundance

Your expectation and faith determines how much of God’s abundance you can receive. Seek Him and cry out to Him, not out of anguish, but with a deep hunger and an assurance of faith that believes in God’s super-abundance.

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Built For Him To Inhabit

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0530-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Built For Him To Inhabit
May 25, 2002 Saturday 9:30 AM Grants Pass, OR

In dedicating the new building in Grants Pass, Oregon, Gary brought a Word on how we should continue to expect fulfillment of God’s Word as He creates in us His temple. Ministry to the leadership group followed the Word.

Scriptures: I Kings 8:10-11, 22-30, 54-61; I Cor. 3:16-17; 6:19-20; II Cor. 6:16-18; Eph. 2:18-22
Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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The Treasure And The Field / The Word And Its Testing

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0529-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave.

The Treasure And The Field
May 25, 2002 Saturday 5:30 PM Grants Pass, OR

Today, the Lord is creating for us relationships with each other. He sends us to one another saying, “This person you are going to serve. This person is going to be the Lord, the provision, and the salvation to you.” When He sends someone to you, receive them with all your heart and by doing so, you receive Him. We have to enable and equip one another to move in this. We do this with all our heart!

Scriptures: Matt. 13:44; 25:21,40; II Cor.4:7; John 13:20; 12:44; Gal. 4:14; (Matt. 10:40-42); (Mark 9:37); (Luke 9:48; 10:16)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

The Word And Its Testing
May 26, 2002 Sunday 12:45pm Grants Pass, OR

We need to understand that the Lord is testing us, and in those trials is where we must mix the Word with faith toward the one who He has sent to us. (MInistry to John Dempster came before the Word.)

Scriptures: Psalm 105:19; Exo. 15:22-26; 16:4; Deut. 8:2,16; Prov. 17:3; Heb. 4:1-2; (Exo. 17); (James 1:2-4; 2:20,26); (I Peter 1:6-7; 4:12); (Luke 1:34, 37-38)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Stand In The Latter Rain / Set Free To Serve Him / How To Discern The Truth

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0527-4R

Stand In The Latter Rain / Set Free To Serve Him / How To Discern The Truth, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Friday, June 29, 1962, in Washington, IA on Monday, July 2, 1962, and in Washington, IA on Wednesday, July 4, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Stand In The Latter Rain

The glory of God will be greater in the latter day than the former. We will walk in things of God in the days to come that are beyond our imagination, beyond anything we have dared to anticipate. The most wonderful days are yet to come!

Set Free To Serve Him

God’s purpose in removing the hindrances and chains in your life is to free you to enter into servitude with Him and to fulfill His plan and purpose for your life. Real fulfillment and beauty of spirit is found in serving and giving.

How To Discern The Truth

This Word explains the principles of how to discern the truth from the false, and for those who hunger to do His will, it eliminates the fear of being deceived. The capacity to see the truth is God-given, and it is retained as we do His will. The revelation of God is progressive: as we walk in one truth, another truth is opened up.

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We Are His Workmanship / Qualities Of A True Prophet

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0527-3R

We Are His Workmanship / Qualities Of A True Prophet, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Thursday, June 28, 1962 and in Washington, IA on Friday, June 29, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

We Are His Workmanship

Without a progressive revelation of the Lord and His fullness, we will be overwhelmed by the deepening revelation of our need. The Lord is bringing many sons to glory, but they are brought to glory through the eternal plan of God, not by their own worthiness. We are His workmanship and He intends to show forth the riches of His grace.

Qualities Of A True Prophet

The basic distinction between the false prophet and the true prophet is that the motivation of a true prophet is to glorify God. A true prophet submits to confirmation and speaks the Word to create God’s will in others.

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His Grace For Our Unworthiness / The Indivisible Mantle

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0527-2R

His Grace For Our Unworthiness / The Indivisible Mantle, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Sunday, June 24, 1962 and in Washington, IA on Wednesday, June 27, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

His Grace For Our Unworthiness

To the extent that Christ assumed the human nature with all of its problems and needs, to that extent we can assume His divine nature. Thus, our evaluation of our human worthiness or unworthiness must not be the basis of our prayers or for how we approach God. We must have the faith and revelation of the centurion who, although he said to Christ, “I am not worthy,” did not draw back. The Word was preceded by an exhortation on tithing.

The Indivisible Mantle

The great ministry and varied anointings in Christ cannot be divisible, yet He has extended His personality into the varied individuals of His many-membered Body. The fulness of Christ is coming forth in a varied form within each individual. A revelation of the glory of this mystery leads us into a mutual faith and submission towards each other.

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No One Speaks As This Man / The Ministry Of Silence

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0527-1R

No One Speaks As This Man / The Ministry Of Silence, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Wednesday, June 20, 1962 and in Washington, IA on Thursday, June 21, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

No One Speaks As This Man

God’s Word is freighted with Himself. The Words of Christ electrified people. Mixed with living prophecy, this Word is an experience of impartation that conveys the living, eternal attributes of the presence of God Himself in His Word.

The Ministry Of Silence

At times, Christ would open up and talk freely, such as with the disciples on the road to Emmaus. At other times, such as amidst accusations or upon the cross, His Words were guarded and they were few. Christ did not speak unless the Father anointed Him to speak, and the times He refused to speak are very significant. There is a ministry of silence as well as the ministry of anointed speaking.

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God’s Fulfillment Meets Our Determiniation

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0522-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

God’s Fulfillment Meets Our Determiniation
May 17, 2002 Friday 7:30 PM Honolulu, HI

We are seeing two things happen in this Feast Of Pentecost. First, God is moving to fulfill promises on our behalf. Secondly, we as a people are coming together because of our sovereign decision to be in one place in one accord. We anticipate this summer to be an unfolding of Pentecost and we determine to be where the Lord is moving. This is our first meeting on the new property in Honolulu.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Equipped For This New Day

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0514-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave/Marilyn Hargrave.

Equipped For This New Day
May 12, 2002 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI

As it was in the days of the first Pentecost, we find ourselves positioned in a new day. We are anticipating an anointing to be poured out on us that enables us to walk in all that the Lord has prepared for us. Marilyn voices a blessing to the mothers.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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From Local Church To Prophetic Community

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0513-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

From Local Church To Prophetic Community
May 5, 2002 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI

At Passover, the Word came on moving forward. As we reach Pentecost, we are making the change from being local churches, and we are becoming prophetic communities and Kingdom facilities. Although this Word was specific to the Island churches, it contains guidelines for all Kingdom facilities. Blessing and commission was given to Gregg and Debbie Gray on Kingdom businesses.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Do Not Accept Spiritual Poverty

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0424-4R

Do Not Accept Spiritual Poverty, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Thursday, June 28, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Do Not Accept Spiritual Poverty

One of the greatest dangers is that we accept spiritual poverty as being the intent and purpose of God. Although God has a unique and predestined plan for you, your appropriation of His vast, unlimited Spirit is totally dependent upon your openness and faith.

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How To Move In A New Testament Church Service

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0424-3R

How To Move In A New Testament Church Service, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Friday, June 22, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

How To Move In A New Testament Church Service

John Robert Stevens said, regarding this ministry school lesson, “Do you realize that I have given you one of the most basic, complete analyses of moving in the New Testament church service, with some of the most practical help and teaching that you could ever find anywhere? You have never heard anything like this lesson today in its practical aspect of helping you to move on in the New Testament church service.”

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Living Prophecies: Seasons Of Fruitfulness / Meditate Upon His Word

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0424-2R

Living Prophecies: Seasons Of Fruitfulness / Meditate Upon His Word, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Saturday, December 23, 1961 and in Washington, IA on Sunday, December 24, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Living Prophecies: Seasons Of Fruitfulness

In this service, John moved in a prophetic flow to create seasons of fruitfulness and to strengthen the faith of the Body. After singing a psalm, John expressed his burden that people’s finances be loosed, and entreated the people to pray for the freedom of the apostolic ministry.

Meditate Upon His Word

The power of God in your life depends on how much you meditate upon His Word and give yourself wholly to it. The Word was preceded by a flow of living prophecy.

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How To Receive The Gift Of Prophecy

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0424-1R

How To Receive The Gift Of Prophecy, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Saturday, December 23, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

How To Receive The Gift Of Prophecy

On the basis of God’s grace and your faith to receive from Him, any spiritual gift or ministry is as easily attainable and available as salvation. Drink in His anointing and believe (John 7:37). The anointing to prophesy is just one of many that God wants to give you.

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Fervent Love: Our Salvation / Mix The Word With Faith

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0406-1-R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave.

Fervent Love: Our Salvation
April 1, 2002 Monday 7:30 PM North Hills, CA

During this Feast of Passover, the Lord has spoken that we are 95% complete. The remaining 5% will be perfected as we enter into a fervent love for one another in this new day. We become the savior of one another as we see each other’s need and, in fervent love, complete that which is lacking.

Scriptures: Col. 1:24-27; I Peter 4:8; John 19:30; (Gen. 8:13)

Mix The Word With Faith
April 3, 2002 Wednesday 7:30 PM North Hills, CA

What do you do when God asks the impossible of you: what is the answer? Will you stay in the relationship? Will you stay open? We have been given the answer: relationships. Relationships are capable of speaking to us a Word from the Lord. Tonight, you are responsible to mix this Word with faith. As you mix the Word with faith, it becomes in you the sharp two-edged sword, alive and active; it has the dynamic with the ability to change us and the ability to divide soul and spirit. It is time for us to do the things that are impossible for us to do!

Scriptures: Heb. 4:1-3, 11-12; (John 1:1)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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The Issue Is Enforcement

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0401-1-R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave/Marilyn Hargrave.

The Issue Is Enforcement
March 31, 2002 Sunday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA

The Lord has commissioned us to enforce the victory that Christ finished in His resurrection. In this new day, He is commanding us to “Go forward” in our execution of subjecting all things to Him, who has put all things in subjection under His feet (I Corinthians 15:27). This was a very important service marking the change in all things.

Scriptures: Col 2:9-14; I Cor. 15:23-28; Gal. 4:1-3; Matt. 28:18-19; John 19:30; Heb. 2:8-9
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Deliverance Without Destruction

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0331-1-R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Deliverance Without Destruction
March 30, 2002 Saturday 5:30 PM North Hills, CA

Passover must be for us a deliverance from our bondage. However, historically, deliverance has been our destruction. When our area of bondage is exposed by the Lord, we have responded by withdrawing ourselves from His presence. This Passover, we determine our deliverance will not be into destruction but into His presence.

Scriptures: (Acts 2:1-4)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Tell My Sons To Go Forward

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0330-2-R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Tell My Sons To Go Forward
March 30, 2002 Saturday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA

In this new day, we face an enemy that is set to destroy us. However, our response will not be to face the battle, but to move forward. Gary identified this battle specifically against several of the key ministries of the apostolic company. The Word was preceded by an exhortation on worship.

Scriptures: Exo. 13:17-18; 14:7,15; (Exo. 3:7-10; 15); (John 14:6)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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This Is The Beginning Of Months

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0330-1-R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

This Is The Beginning Of Months
March 29, 2002 Friday 7:30 PM North Hills, CA

In this Passover, the Lord is speaking to us: “This is the beginning of months, and today you begina new history.” Today, the years of transition end. With the momentum of being a prophetic community, we move forward into our new history.

Scriptures: Exo. 12:1-2
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Passover — God Moving Through A Human Vessel

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0329-1-R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Passover — God Moving Through A Human Vessel
March 27, 2002 Wednesday 7:30 PM North Hills, CA

Scriptures: Exo. 5:20-23; 6:1, 6-12; Jer. 31:33-34; Heb. 8:7-11; (Matt. 5:12; 28:18-20); (John 14:8); (Exo. 4-5)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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“That All May Prophesy” — I Corinthians 14:31

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0325-4R

“That All May Prophesy” — I Corinthians 14:31, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Friday, December 22, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

“That All May Prophesy” — I Corinthians 14:31

A prophetic walk with God involves more than just the activity of prophesying. It includes an anointing that fills your whole life until all your prayers, worship, and preaching of the Word overflows with the Spirit of the Lord. In this School of Prophets lesson, several keys are given on how to move in a prophetic anointing. This lesson was based upon points #1-4, Lesson 8, “Secrets To Aid Prophesying,” in the book, Prophetic Utterance.

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God’s Amazing Way To Change

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0325-3R

God’s Amazing Way To Change, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Thursday, December 21, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

God’s Amazing Way To Change

When you try to change or deal with your own nature, you are usurping God’s prerogative. Only God can change you. His amazing process of change happens in you as you, with unveiled face and with faith, enter His presence daily and behold Him.

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The Anointing To Speak And To Understand

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0325-2R

The Anointing To Speak And To Understand, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Thursday, December 21, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

The Anointing To Speak And To Understand

We must become the mouthpiece of the Lord; indeed, we are commanded from the Lord to prophesy (I Cor. 14:31). The anointing to prophesy is attainable, and it begins as we simply open our spirits to receive the Holy Spirit.

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Believe To Be Changed

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0325-1R

Believe To Be Changed, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Wednesday, December 20, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Believe To Be Changed

Many Christians want relief from the pressure of circumstances that they face in their lives, but few really seek the exposure to God that results in a transformation of their being and their spirit. This message imparts faith to break the impasses that block our growth and development so that we can be changed from glory to glory as we behold Him.

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How Open Are You? / The Weakness Of The Living Word

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0322-1-R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave.

How Open Are You?
January 13, 2002 Sunday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA

How open are you? Are you making excuses for lack of involvement in the Body of Christ or for not placing your spirit under shepherding? Open your spirit and honestly face your excuses so you do not become obsolete.

The Weakness Of The Living Word
March 17, 2002 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI

When the Word comes, two things are revealed to us: First, we are not yet walking in that Word, and second, we are incapable of doing what He is commanding us to do. Facing our incapability, the door is opened to reach into Him who is able to impart His Word into our hearts and minds.

Scriptures: Deut. 6:4-5; Mark 12:28-30; Rom. 7:7-8; 8:3; Heb. 4:6-7, 11-13; 8:7-11; (Isa. 55:8); (Jer. 31:31)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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The Impossible Request / The Decree Of Life Enforced

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0314-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave.

The Impossible Request
February 23, 2002 Saturday 6:00 PM Mount Zion, Brazil

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

The Decree Of Life Enforced
February 26, 2002 Tuesday 7:30 PM Mount Zion, Brazil

Christ ended the decree of death against us. During the Feast Of Purim, we reach in to enforce, with His authority, the decree of life.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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In The Days Of Jael/ Ending The Decree Against Marriages

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0308-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

In The Days Of Jael/ Ending The Decree Against Marriages
February 24, 2002 Sunday 9:30 AM Mount Zion, Brazil

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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What Is Your Favorite Story? / Greater Works In Us

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0302-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave/Silas Esteves.

What Is Your Favorite Story?
February 12, 2002 Tuesday 1:30 PM Mount Zion, Brazil

God will make your favorite Bible story a very real part of your life. In this session with two children of Mount Zion, Gary and Marilyn describe their favorite Bible stories and their significance in our personal walk with God.

Greater Works In Us
February 12, 2002 Tuesday 9:30 AM Mount Zion, Brazil

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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We Are Excited And Worried

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0301-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

We Are Excited And Worried
February 17, 2002 Sunday 9:30 AM Mount Zion, Brazil

Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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The Years Will Be Restored

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0227-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

The Years Will Be Restored
February 11, 2002 Monday 9:30 AM Mount Zion, Brazil

There can be a brittleness in our relationship with the Lord when there has not been a reconciliation between our love and worship for Him with the pain we have experienced while serving Him. We believe for the Lord to wipe away every tear and for the shame that we feel from our buried pain to be released.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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We Roll Away The Stone

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0225-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

We Roll Away The Stone
February 10, 2002 Sunday 9:30 AM Mount Zion, Brazil

As it was with Lazarus’ stench, we feel like God is too late and we cry, “It’s beyond belief and my hope is in danger!” Christ is taking us beyond our ability to believe, and He is preparing us for the Father to move. We expose this unbelief by rolling away the stone (John 11:39) of unbelief over our hearts.

Scriptures: John 11:2-6,20-21,32-33,38-43; (Rom. 8:11)
Topics: Relationship with the Lord; Faith; Purpose, God’s
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Everything Happens Because He Is

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0222-3R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Everything Happens Because He Is
February 9, 2002 Saturday 7:00 PM Mount Zion, Brazil

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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We Commit To Unveiled Faces

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0222-2R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave/Marilyn Hargrave/Silas Esteves.

We Commit To Unveiled Faces
February 9, 2002 Saturday 9:30 AM Mount Zion, Brazil

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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A New Level Of Support / Mothers From The Mother / The True Lineage Of The Sons

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0222-1-R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 3 messages by Gary Hargrave.

A New Level Of Support
January 30, 2002 Wednesday 7:30 PM Mount Zion, Brazil

Topics: Mount Zion; (Giving Yourself)

Mothers From The Mother
February 1, 2002 Friday 10:00 PM Mount Zion, Brazil

After the wedding rehearsal, this Word came to the Mothers in Israel. During Communion many women were blessed by Marilyn.

Scriptures: (Matt. 15:4);(John 19:25-27)

The True Lineage Of The Sons
February 1, 2002 Friday 8:00 pm Mount Zion, Brazil

Explanation of GH’s wedding intentions: GH explains that this wedding represents the end of the false Fathering and Mothering that has warred against the Sons of God in Brazil. The ones on the platform establish a new level of Authority. This wedding is a declaration in the spirit that this represents John’s True Church in Brazil.

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Shiloh In The Morning: His Sovereign Will / Capable Of God’s Feelings

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0218-3R

Shiloh In The Morning: His Sovereign Will / Capable Of God’s Feelings, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Shiloh, IA on Tuesday, November 22, 1977. Hidden Treasure.

Shiloh In The Morning: His Sovereign Will

We fulfill the sovereign will of God as we first submit to His will, then take the initiative to do what He has set before us to do. This principle is a key to the Shiloh workers in their intercession and spiritual warfare.

Capable Of God’s Feelings

God wants us to expand our hearts and be capable of experiencing the entire scope of His emotions. Both love and hate coexist within God, and out of His heart, comes both judgment and deliverance

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A Lesson For Spiritual Warriors

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0218-1R

A Lesson For Spiritual Warriors, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Shiloh, IA on Friday, November 4, 1977. Hidden Treasure.

A Lesson For Spiritual Warriors

As we pursue after the things of the Lord, there will be the backlash of spiritual warfare against us. The best reaction is to remain humble before the Lord and to have a persistent, fervent faith. This message is a training for spiritual warriors.

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The Marriage Of Iron And Clay

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0204-3-R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

The Marriage Of Iron And Clay
January 20, 2002 Sunday 9:30 AM Mount Zion, Brazil

This begins our drive to have the fruit of Christ in our flesh.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Bread Of Heaven Out Of The Earth / We Dedicate Our Play

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0204-2-R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave/Marilyn Hargrave/Silas Esteves.

Bread Of Heaven Out Of The Earth
January 18, 2002 Friday 8:00 PM Mount Zion, Brazil

In this first Shabbat that Gary and Marilyn ever attended on the Mount Zion property, the Word reminded us that God’s purpose is to dwell within us. Tonight, we celebrate this purpose and enter into the new covenant that Christ provided: God dwelling in us.

We Dedicate Our Play
January 19, 2002 Saturday 3:15 PM Mount Zion, Brazil

Today, we dedicated a new property adjoining the original Mount Zion land that will be used for recreation and play. An important aspect of the manifestation of Christ in the flesh is that we learn how to play in a way that is filled with His presence. The service concluded with ministry to the Shiloh work crew.

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The Miracle Mixture

Out of Print

Release #: 2002-0103-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave/Marilyn Hargrave/Boney.

The Miracle Mixture
December 30, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI

As we enter the secular New Year, the key of everything we are doing is the miracle of “Christ in you the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). We will connect to Him and learn of Him by coming into the yoke with Him. The disciples came into a yoke with Christ and began to learn of Him. As a result, they knew who He was. We can have the same experience as we serve and take on the yoke in this day.

Scriptures: Col. 1:27; Matt. 11:29-30; I Thess. 2:7-8: Prov. 1:23-33; II Cor. 4:7; (John 17:21); (II Thess 2:7-8); (Heb 12:9-10)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Understand The Mystery Of Christ In You

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-1227-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave/Marilyn Hargrave.

Understand The Mystery Of Christ In You
December 23, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA

This Word directs us to the next step in our walk with the Lord. We have been allowing our flesh nature to be seen while having Christ move through us. But now we must: 1) understand Christ is coming forth within us; 2) know how to initiate Him moving through us; and, 3) teach others how to bring forth Christ in human vessels.

Scriptures: Col. 1:25-28; Gal. 4:19; II Thess. 1:10-12
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Everything Is Changing / In No Way Alarmed By Your Opponents

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-1220-3R

Everything Is Changing / In No Way Alarmed By Your Opponents, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Friday, October 21, 1977 and in Shiloh, IA on Sunday, October 23, 1977. Hidden Treasure.

Everything Is Changing

“Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heaven” (Hebrews 12:26). Press in to the changes God is bringing; His Kingdom will not conform to the old age.

In No Way Alarmed By Your Opponents

As we move into greater spiritual battle, we must not be alarmed, afraid, or mistrusting. The army of the Lord must be conditioned for victory. Satan can only win if fear and unbelief overcome us.

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We Are Framing An Age / Commissioned With Authority

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-1220-1R

We Are Framing An Age / Commissioned With Authority, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Sunday, September 11, 1977 and in South Gate, CA on Saturday, October 8, 1977. Hidden Treasure.

We Are Framing An Age

In this exhortation, John describes how we are aggressively moving forward to create the Kingdom of God in the earth. The exhortation concludes with a vision of Shiloh’s destiny as a center of spiritual authority.

Commissioned With Authority

All authority in heaven and on earth was given to Christ by the Father. Christ, in turn, dispersed authority among His disciples and commissioned them to make disciples of all nations. In this service, authority is commissioned and dispersed to the intercessors on the front line.

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Are We Sons Or Sprouts?

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-1128-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Are We Sons Or Sprouts?
November 25, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI

Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Divine Order For Communication And Relationships

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-1127-2R

Divine Order For Communication And Relationships, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Campbell, CA on Saturday, July 23, 1977. Hidden Treasure.

Divine Order For Communication And Relationships

If you do not have a right relationship with the Lord, then rarely do you have a right relationship with one another. If you cannot relate to one another, then you cannot communicate with one another. This Word emphasizes the need for having a right spirit and the right motivation in true Kingdom relationships.

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Interdependence Is Not An Option

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-1115-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Interdependence Is Not An Option
November 11, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI

Interdependence is a spiritual concept that goes back many years, and it is not an option. The Lord is bringing to our lives people who are answers for our spiritual life. We seek out these interdependent relationships and we open our hearts to them.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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We Are Not Waiting

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-1109-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

We Are Not Waiting
November 4, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Keokea, HI

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Our Covenant With The Word

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-1030-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Our Covenant With The Word
October 21, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI

This is a perfect formula of how the Lord appears in the Word to us as a people, how we are to take that Word, become it and manifest it. We make a covenant with the Lord to not have the Word fall to the ground or fail to be applied.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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A Right Relationship Is Greater Than Revelation

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-1025-2R

A Right Relationship Is Greater Than Revelation, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, June 30, 1977. Hidden Treasure.

A Right Relationship Is Greater Than Revelation

You are in this church to serve the Body and to seek first His Kingdom, not to pursue your own interests and your own ministry. There are no big shots in the Kingdom–the greatest is the servant of all. This candid Word describes how we must be dedicated to Body ministry and be submissive to divine order. This Word is based on Lesson 4, “Support Your Local Body,” from the School Of Prophets Series #104.

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God Wants To Introduce Himself To You

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-1012-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

God Wants To Introduce Himself To You
October 7, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Wailea, Maui, HI

God wants to re-introduce Himself to us in a new way and on a new level so that He is not simply “the God of our fathers.” He wants us to know Him and who He is to us and that He is a God of action. This Word, spoken to the church in Maui, opens the door for this new generation to engage the Lord in how He is showing Himself today.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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The Feast Of The Lord / You Need A Bigger God

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-1006-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave.

The Feast Of The Lord
October 1, 2001 Monday 7:30 PM Honolulu, HI

Our battle in the days of our flesh is a battle against living in an awareness of God’s presence. This battle is set to be our oppression. Tonight, we broke this oppression and we came into the presence of the Lord where we determine to live. We make this Feast Of Tabernacles a feast of the Lord.

Scriptures: Lev. 23:39-44; Deut. 16:13-15; Rom. 8:18, 28-39
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

You Need A Bigger God
October 3, 2001 Wednesday 7:30 PM Honolulu, HI

We need a new and greater revelation of God. Unless we come into a knowledge of “the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe,” (Eph. 1:19), then we will be overwhelmed and defeated by the forces of wickedness and darkness. Our limited revelation of God causes us to flinch in our prayer and prophecy, and thus His power cannot be executed through us. Our Tabernacles experience must include a greater revelation of an unlimited God.

Scriptures: Eph. 1:3-23; 3:14-21; 6:10-19
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Create His Kingdom With Your Will / The Principles Of Prayer And Prophetic Proclamation

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-1003-2R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave.

Create His Kingdom With Your Will
September 30, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA

“Thy people will be a free will offering in the day of Thy power” (Psalm 110:3). When we yield our will to God’s will, then His authority and power is channeled through us, whereby His kingdom can fill the earth. (E. Cattell)

O.K. — not reviewed by MH E.C. 10-2-01

The Principles Of Prayer And Prophetic Proclamation
September 30, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI

Prayer is a creative birth process that requires your unwavering positioning before the Father as His son, your absolute commitment to His will, a dedication to keep knocking until the door opens, and the knowledge that all things are possible to God. When all these elements are inherent in our prayers and prophetic proclamations, then we will behold before our eyes the miracle of His will manifested in the earth. This message teaches us the principles that make prayer and prophetic declaration effective.

Scriptures: John 13:3; Mark 13:13; 14:35; Matt. 6:9-10: (Matt. 24:22, 13; 7:7)
Rated: Foundational Teaching; For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Christ In The Flesh — A Bondservant

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-1003-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Christ In The Flesh — A Bondservant
September 28, 2001 Friday 7:30 PM Honolulu, HI

This Word reveals how we are to serve one another with an unfeigned love for each other. Doing the will of God must be an expression of our love. The Word was preceded by prophecy that loosed the nations into the will of God.

Scriptures: John 13:2-17; Phil. 2; (Matt. 6:11); (Mark 14:2-9)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Atonement: My Will Fixed On His Will

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-1001-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Atonement: My Will Fixed On His Will
September 26, 2001 Wednesday 7:30 PM Honolulu, HI

Hebrews 10 exposes the key of our salvation: the will of Christ set to do the will of God. Very simply, the will of Christ set to do the will of God reconciled us to the Father. The Day Of Atonement deals with this same spiritual reality. It reveals that our will set to do the will of Christ takes us from that initial salvation experience into our cleansing and perfecting as sons. Our walk with God is simply our determination to set our will to do His will as opposed to do our own will.

Scriptures: Lev. 16:5-28; Heb. 10:5-26; Matt. 16:21; 27:1-6; Luke 22:30-32, 60-62; John 13:21-31; (Rom. 7:18-20)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Our Drive To Manifest The Word

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0926-2R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave/Marilyn Hargrave.

Our Drive To Manifest The Word
September 23, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI

For the first time, Gary and Marilyn present their vision for the prophetic communities and Kingdom facilities in the Islands. Gary explains their personal purpose for living in the Islands and their need for specific ministries to function. This Word sets a focus for the whole Body to be driven to see the Islands function as a laboratory in which the Word is manifested, applied, and fulfilled.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Repent As Sons

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0925-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave/Marilyn Hargrave.

Repent As Sons
September 21, 2001 Friday 7:30 PM Honolulu, HI

During these Days of Awe, the Lord brought a deliverance, by a Word, from the old destructive way of repentance, in which we would withdraw from the Lord. As sons we cannot perfect ourselves apart form God. True repentance is when you come to Him with a broken spirit, and draw the opposite of the offense you just committed. The service began with Marilyn relating a Word God gave her about Gary and ended with Gary giving more directives for prophecy over the United States.

Scriptures: Josh. 1:1-9; Psalms 51:16-19; Prov. 20:9; (I Sam. 13:14); (Psalms 2:7); (Luke 18:18-19); (Heb. 5:8-9)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Delivered From Vulnerability / Today I Have Begotten Thee

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0922-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave.

Delivered From Vulnerability
September 17, 2001 Monday 6:15PM Honolulu, HI

Now is the time to apply the Day of Atonement into our lives by ending our vulnerability to the enemies’ voice about ourselves. We must be equipped as prophets of God who speak as one voice to this nation, so that the plot to end all flesh is ended. This Word was spoken to the ministries in Los Angeles via phone call from Honolulu.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

Today I Have Begotten Thee
September 18, 2001 Tuesday 7:30 PM Honolulu, HI

The only way to eliminate vulnerability is to personally experience the Lord saying to you “Today, I have begotten Thee” (Psalms 2:7). This impartation of the mind of Christ establishes our immmovable position.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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How To Receive, How To Bless

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0920-3R

How To Receive, How To Bless, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Saturday, June 4, 1977. Hidden Treasure.

How To Receive, How To Bless

John expounds on the spiritual principles of a Bless-In service, such as how to send and receive a blessing, how to take walls down, and how bonds are made and broken.

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Flow Together / True Authority Serves

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0920-1R

Flow Together / True Authority Serves, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Shiloh, IA on Thursday, April 28, 1977 and in Sepulveda, CA on Thursday, May 19, 1977. Hidden Treasure.

Flow Together

We must learn how to be the families of God. People of all ages, classes, and personalities must flow together and fellowship in the Lord.

True Authority Serves

The authority of Babylon puts people down and treats them as slaves, but the authority of Christ is dedicated to serve one another. In the Kingdom, he that is the servant of all is the greatest. True authority is concerned about the needs of the little people.

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Our Destiny As The School Of Prophets

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0919-4R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Our Destiny As The School Of Prophets
September 17, 2001 Monday 7:30 PM Honolulu, HI

As in II Kings 6:8-23, the prophets of old determined the outcome of plots against the nation of Israel. Likewise, God has created us to be the school of prophets that is to move in control over the kingdom of Satan that manifests in this day. Today, we control the outcome. In this service, the trumpet was sounded to rally the prophets to move in their destiny to create and to control.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Commit To End Your Vulnerability

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0919-3R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Commit To End Your Vulnerability
September 16, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI

The harsh reality of the events that took place on September 11, 2001 is that the strength of America was used against itself for tremendous destruction. Likewise, spiritually we have been vulnerable personally and as a Body when our own words and thoughts are used against ourselves. This Word brings a repentance to eliminate our vulnerability and to find a new level of effective warfare.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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No Longer Unbelievable

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0919-2R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

No Longer Unbelievable
September 15, 2001 Saturday 5:30 PM Honolulu, HI

The events of September 11, 2001 are a wake-up call to us of the depths of the drive of the forces of darkness to destroy the atmosphere in which Christ is being born. Today, we end the flinch and recognize the new level of warfare to which we must be committed. We intercede for the United States to stand up and be all it is to be in the heart of God.

Scriptures: Matt. 3:1-20; (I Cor. 2:8)
Rated: Foundational Teaching; For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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America — A Broken Spirit And Contrite Heart / Lord, Revive This Nation And Its Purpose

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0919-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave.

America — A Broken Spirit And Contrite Heart
September 14, 2001 Friday 7:30 PM North Hills, CA

Out of tremendous devastation it has suffered during the acts of terrorism of the last several days, the United States is positioned for a closer relationship with the Lord. During this national day of mourning, we intercede for the leaders of this country, we bless the victims that they have not died in vain, and we prophesy that this nation will walk with God and be the instrument that carries out the purposes of God in the earth.

Scriptures: Psalms 34:18-22; 51:17; (Isa. 66:2); (Heb. 10:30)
Rated: Foundational Teaching; For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

Lord, Revive This Nation And Its Purpose
September 14, 2001 Friday 7:30 PM Honolulu, HI

As a nation we are a people with a purpose and a destiny that must be fulfilled. Our prayer in the wake of the terrorist attack Sept. 11th is that God revive us and reconnect us to His will for this country.

Scriptures: Isa. 57:15; Rom. 8:26-28
Rated: Foundational Teaching; For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Respond With Resolve

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0913-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave/Marilyn Hargrave.

Respond With Resolve
September 12, 2001 Wednesday 8:30 AM Honolulu, HI

(Note: This Word which came during a phone conversation with the Shiloh apostolic company is our response to the events of September 11, 2001. An edited transcript of the Word was posted on TLW’s website in the members area. )

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Lord, End Our Vulnerability

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0830-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Lord, End Our Vulnerability
August 26, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI

As a people, we are extremely vulnerable to destruction and the access is our unbelief about ourselves and about our brother. This is the weakness that has allowed Satan to defeat us for years. Once and for all, we end this weakness in ourselves by recognizing it, confessing it, and appropriating it from Christ, who declared that Satan had “no access in me.” (John 14:30)

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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We Make It Happen / Have You Really Thrown The Mantle?

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0821-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave.

We Make It Happen
August 10, 2001 Friday 5:30 PM Sans Souci Beach, HI

Several young people gathered together at a Shabbat with their hearts prepared for instruction on how the Lord is going to move through this next generation. Many times the Lord seems to be reluctant to answer or give direction, because He wants to be sure we will carry out His will on the earth. As this generation moves in aggressive initiative and creative proclamation, they will trigger the Lord’s response.

Have You Really Thrown The Mantle?
August 19, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI

When Elijah threw the mantle on Elisha, Elisha became the target of death that was coming against Elijah’s life. After that time, Elisha was not protected from the battles that Elijah faced: the threat of death, unbelief, discouragement, or isolation. In this day, the Elijah ministries must no longer protect the Elisha ministries from the spiritual battle and the responsibility of carrying the mantle. The Elisha ministries must know the needs of the Body of Christ and reach in with an aggressive faith and intercession that releases the power and authority of God.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0815-3R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

April 29, 1977 Friday P.M. Iowa

With bold action let us respond to what we hear. God and His word becomes personal then God will not be a vague impersonal force to us. (21 min.)

Scriptures: Isa. 40:28-31; Luke 18:1-8; Jer. 29:13; (Rev. 2:4-5); (James 2:20); (Psa. 18:26)
Topics: Relationship, with the Lord; Movement, Motion; Faith; Initiative; Intensity; Waiting on the Lord; (Marriage)
Series: Faith Action
Rated: Foundational Teaching

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Believe He Is Great! / Motivated To Move!

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0815-4R

Believe He Is Great! / Motivated To Move!, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Saturday, April 30, 1977 and in South Gate, CA on Thursday, June 2, 1977. Hidden Treasure.

Believe He Is Great!

God will be as great to you as you believe Him to be. When you magnify Him, He is great, and when He is revealed to you greatly, you change greatly–so magnify the Lord!

Motivated To Move!

The Lord wants us to have immunity in the end time so that we can freely be the instruments of His will in the Earth. He gives us this immunity as we set our lives in motion to do His will. This message was brought as a teaching out of The School of Prophets manual, Series 104, Lesson 1, titled: Don’t Be A Sitting Duck. The service began with a Word of direction to the South Gate church.

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Jubilee: Freedom From Futility / A Correct Focus Ends Deception

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0815-1R

Jubilee: Freedom From Futility / A Correct Focus Ends Deception, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Salt Lake City, UT on Tuesday, January 25, 1977 and in South Gate, CA on Saturday, February 5, 1977. Hidden Treasure.

Jubilee: Freedom From Futility

God wants His people to have an experience of jubilee in which they are delivered from the futility and passivity and indifference in the spirit of the age. Be released from the fear of man that makes a snare; do not be ashamed of the intensity of violent intercession and jubilee music.

A Correct Focus Ends Deception

Real effectiveness results from revelation and a correct, balanced focus from a high plane of spirit. In this School of Prophets service, John gives keys for effective intercession and worship.

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Who Creates The Atmosphere?

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0807-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Who Creates The Atmosphere?
July 29, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI

As the School Of Prophets we take the initiative to create an atmosphere for the Lord to speak and flow.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Our Revolution

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0718-2R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave/Marilyn Hargrave/Others.

Our Revolution
July 6, 2001 Friday 9:30 AM Shiloh, Kalona, IA

This Word enables each member to be a revolutionary. Through violent love we serve one another and become responsible for a lifestyle of relationships. Exhortations: The establishing of the first true kingdom business, Shiloh’s creating of the summer camp and finding the keys to divine health and healing.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Our Revolution

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0718-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave/Marilyn Hargrave/Others.

Our Revolution
July 6, 2001 Friday 9:30 AM Shiloh, Kalona, IA

This Word enables each member to be a revolutionary. Through violent love we serve one another and become responsible for a lifestyle of relationships. Exhortations: The establishing of the first true kingdom business, Shiloh’s creating of the summer camp and finding the keys to divine health and healing.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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The Salt Of Aggression

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0716-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave/Marilyn Hargrave/Others.

The Salt Of Aggression
June 29, 2001 Friday 7:00PM Shiloh, Kalona, IA

We restore our aggressive heart that is free, unrestrained and feeds back to the lamp of Israel. This is how we can change the earth if we take advantage of this window that the Lord opened.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Our Declaration Of Independence

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0713-2R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Our Declaration Of Independence
July 4, 2001 Wednesday 9:30 AM Shiloh, Kalona, IA

America was founded as a revolution against oppression. Today, with determined hearts and spirits, we signed our declaration of independence from the forces that restrain us from expressing who we are. We are challenging whether the principle of religious freedom in America is still valid. Today, a line was drawn in the spirit where we take our responsibility and right as sons of God to proclaim, to express, and to live what we believe. Following the Word, we ministered to several in the Maui church and joined with them as they pursue freedom.

Scriptures: I Tim. 6:12
Rated: Foundational Teaching; For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Aggressively Bring Forth Christ In One Another

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0713-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Aggressively Bring Forth Christ In One Another
July 1, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Shiloh, Kalona, IA

Today, we break the lie and deception that has caused us to only mentally acquiesce to the concept of Christ in the flesh. The reality of Christ in the flesh is absolutely scriptural. The real test of your faith centers on this issue: Do you believe Christ is within you? We commit ourselves to the labor of relationships that bring forth Christ in the flesh in one another.

Scriptures: Luke 17:20-21; John 17:18-23, 26: Gal. 2:20; 4:13-15, 19; Col. 1:22-29; 3:9-17; II Cor. 13:5; (II Thess. 1:10)
Rated: Foundational Teaching; For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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His Righteousness Is The Issue

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0712-4R

His Righteousness Is The Issue, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Aurora, IL on Friday, December 17, 1976. Hidden Treasure.

His Righteousness Is The Issue

Our goal is not to polish up the outward appearance of things, but to seek God and His righteousness. Like a rose bud before it blossoms, the Body is going through a process of being matured and perfected at the hand of the Lord. In this message, John reveals his heart toward those who are critical of him or of this Walk with God. The meeting concluded with a Word on prophetic proclamation and speaking the Word of the Lord.

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A Revelation Of Serving Christ

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0625-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

A Revelation Of Serving Christ
June 15, 2001 Friday 7:00 PM Shiloh, Kalona, IA

Where are you serving Christ? Who do you serve? At this time, this is the most important step you can take – that you find that one you will serve as Christ in the flesh to you. This is a mystery God revealed about how His anointing comes through those you serve and how He comes through you to others as you follow instructions. You cannot do anything for Gary and Marilyn without knowing and living this principle. We must be willing servants and the arms and legs of the execution of the Lord in the flesh.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Secrets Of A Prophetic Community / To Fathers And Sons

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0618-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Silas Esteves & Gary Hargrave.

Secrets Of A Prophetic Community
June 7, 2001 Thursday 7:00PM Palmer Lake, CO

The basic element to create a prophetic community is a love commitment to the leadership God has created in your midst. Our lives are given to be directed by the Lord in the flesh. This message brings many keys to creating a prophetic community.

To Fathers And Sons
June 8, 2001 Friday 7:00 PM Shiloh, Kalona, IA

In this prayer, the Palmer Lake church is anointed to fulfill the prophecy in Malachi that the hearts of the children will be turned to the fathers.

Scriptures: (Mal. 4:6)

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Laborers Of The Lord / Exhortations On Participation Prophecy And Divine Order

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0614-4R

Laborers Of The Lord / Exhortations On Participation Prophecy And Divine Order, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Wednesday, July 7, 1976 and in Anaheim, CA on Wednesday, November 3, 1976. Hidden Treasure.

Laborers Of The Lord

In order to enter into God’s rest, we must stop laboring with the energy that is inspired by our human initiative. Instead, we draw upon the power of God and become His laborers.

Exhortations On Participation Prophecy And Divine Order

The Kingdom-level prophecy includes a unity of proclamation in which we all participate in speaking the Word. We must be participating believers, free from the fear of man as we speak God’s Word with all boldness. The service concluded with an exhortation on divine order.

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“Why Sit Here Until We Die?” — II Kings 7:3 / The Word From The Top Of The Mountain

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0614-3R

“Why Sit Here Until We Die?” — II Kings 7:3 / The Word From The Top Of The Mountain, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, March 25, 1976 and in South Gate, CA on Thursday, June 24, 1976. Hidden Treasure.

“Why Sit Here Until We Die?” — II Kings 7:3

John relates personal experiences in days past when he was faithful to speak the Word of the Lord, but people were unwilling to accept it. This Word will break your heart. Our ability to move on with the Lord depends on a hunger for Him that is not shaken by the way in which He chooses to appear to us.

The Word From The Top Of The Mountain

Corrupt governments shall come to an end. Zion shall be established above the top of the mountains and the word shall flow to the nations. The upward flow of the Kingdom of God will reverse the downward pull of gravity in the natural course of events in the earth.

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Relate To Him As The “Right-Now” God

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0614-2R

Relate To Him As The “Right-Now” God, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Thursday, March 4, 1976. Hidden Treasure.

Relate To Him As The “Right-Now” God

As we move forward into God’s Kingdom, every aspect of our being–spirit, soul, body–must be brought into a relationship with God. God’s purpose in subordinating the soul to the spirit is so that we will become those who perfectly, persistently appropriate His provisions and relate to Him as the “right-now” God.

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Establishing A New Generation Of Door Openers / Mother’s Day: A Prophetic Declaration

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0519-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave.

Establishing A New Generation Of Door Openers
May 11, 2001 Friday 6:30pm Kahala, HI

Everyday we must walk in thankfulness for all the light given to us while appropriating the next open door from the Lord. All young people need to hear this Word.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

Mother’s Day: A Prophetic Declaration
May 13, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Kahala, HI

We are in a time of the Word developing in us as a son in the womb of his mother. It is the time of the mothers of Israel who bring forth the sons that walk in the fulfillment of the Word. This message was to the mothers in Israel.

Scriptures: Luke 1:28-38; Heb. 4:1,2; Isa. 66:6-9
Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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A Kingdom Chronicle

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0511-3R

A Kingdom Chronicle, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Des Moines, IA on Monday, March 1, 1976. Hidden Treasure.

A Kingdom Chronicle

This service came on the 25th anniversary of John coming into this walk with God. He was in Des Moines, Iowa to give a vision of the whole Kingdom to the people in the church there. John summarizes what we have been through spiritually in the last year, and tells the Des Moines people how to think about the changes that have been taking place in their local church. God is taking us from an individual expression and bringing us into a collective experience in the Lord.

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Kingdom Proverbs On Body Ministry / An Exhortation To Strengthen Your Hands

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0511-2R

Kingdom Proverbs On Body Ministry / An Exhortation To Strengthen Your Hands, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Anaheim, CA on Wednesday, July 9, 1975 and in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, July 11, 1975. Hidden Treasure.

Kingdom Proverbs On Body Ministry

In this message, John reads several Kingdom proverbs that describe how the day of individuality has given way to the collective ministry of the Body of Christ.

An Exhortation To Strengthen Your Hands

When we get into the spiritual battle, instead of hanging onto the Word that God has already given us, often we look for a new Word to encourage us. Let’s not cry for the Lord to deliver us; let’s strengthen our hands in the Lord. In our worship, we are going to prevail over the enemy. The Word was preceded by exhortations on how to reach the people in Babylon with God’s Word, preserving the Word on microfiche, and the focus for the upcoming Shiloh camp.

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A Lesson On Focus / An Epistle For Lazy People

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0511-1R

A Lesson On Focus / An Epistle For Lazy People, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Tuesday, May 6, 1975 and in Washington, IA on Thursday, May 8, 1975. Hidden Treasure.

A Lesson On Focus

When your focus is on the Lord, then the mountains before you will move. However, if your focus is on the mountain, then the mountain becomes a mountain of a problem. The service included reports on the School of Prophets in Brazil and Shiloh.

An Epistle For Lazy People

You are not saved by your works. However, you have been saved so that you can serve the Lord and do His will. Therefore, you will labor unceasingly to fulfill His will. The key to success in doing God’s will is to maintain a focus on Him.

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Our Dominion Over Health / When It’s Beyond Impossible

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0509-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave.

Our Dominion Over Health
April 14, 2001 Saturday 5:30 PM North Hills, CA

We must gain dominion over the health of our physical body. The Lord may not do it for us, so we must pursue the truth that enables us to have dominion over our health. In this service, Phyllis Haworth was commissioned as a central coordinator over the realm of health and diet. With this commission, divine order in this area is established.

Scriptures: (Matt. 24:22)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

When It’s Beyond Impossible
May 6, 2001 Sunday 9:00 AM Honolulu, HI

Every movement of God has been earmarked by one man or woman of faith who led a following of believers. However, in this day of the Kingdom, God is creating a movement without leaders by working in us a greater level of faith in which each person hears a Word from the Lord and speaks it, then believes it and enforces it, even if it seems beyond impossible, until the Word comes to pass.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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When Forsaken, We Worship / Enthroned On Our Worship

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0414-2R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave.

When Forsaken, We Worship
April 14, 2001 Saturday 7:00 PM North Hills, CA

We must understand that what we have suffered has made us identical with the sufferings of Christ. We should not look for a deliverance from the experiences in which we have suffered; rather, they are the vehicle wherein we can bleed worship. With this landmark Word, the Lord gives us understanding in how to relate to the sufferings we have experienced.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

Enthroned On Our Worship
April 14, 2001 Saturday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA

Worship is pivotal to who we are and where we are going as a people. We must stop worshiping the Lord without a purpose and without an anticipation of His appearings. We initiate the worship that He inhabits, and worship with a purpose that His presence will fill.

Scriptures: Psalms 22:1-3
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Let Your Light Shine

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0414-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Let Your Light Shine
April 13, 2001 Friday 7:30 PM North Hills, CA

We must let our light be seen by the world. Whether we are praised or persecuted, we cannot withdraw or hide, but must remain standing on a hill with our light shining. Take heed that you do not separate yourself from the lamp of Israel who is the light that creates you into the light of the world. The Word was further illustrated in a report on the issues confronting the Maui Church.

Scriptures: Matt. 5:14-16, 10-13; (Rom. 8:19-21)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Life Under God’s Dominion

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0413-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Life Under God’s Dominion
April 12, 2001 Thursday 7:30 PM North Hills, CA

Under the dominion of His Kingdom, God is going to provide a miracle flow, and where He does not, He is going to enable you to do it. Either way, He is doing something for us in our relationship with Him. This realization ends unbelief and restores to us a child-like faith that knows He is always answering us.

Scriptures: Exo. 16:14-15, 31; Deut. 23:12-14; 8:16; (Dan. 7:25); (Exo. 16:16-30)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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The Issue Is Dominion

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0409-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

The Issue Is Dominion
April 8, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA

The Kingdom of God already exists even though we are living in the midst of the domain of darkness. We must not contend with the Prince of Darkness; rather, our drive must be to contend with God that He judge the adversary and give us His dominion.

Scriptures: Dan. 7:16-18, 22-28; 2:40-44; Matt. 11:12; (Luke 18:1-8; 12:32); (Col. 1:19); (I Cor. 10:26); (Rev. 17:14)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Pass Over Into His Kingdom

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0407-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Pass Over Into His Kingdom
April 6, 2001 Friday 7:30 PM North Hills, CA

We begin the Passover as one people with a drive to worship the Lord and thereby create an atmosphere for His Kingdom on Earth. The Feast Of Passover perfectly illustrates what it means for the Kingdom of God to be established on Earth. We must be delivered from the dominion of darkness and transferred into His Kingdom. Tonight, we sweep away our unbelief and violently anticipate His Dominion on this Earth.

Scriptures: Col. 1:13; (Exo. 5:3); (Matt. 6:10; 13:38-39); (I Cor. 10:26); (Psalm 110:1); (Dan. 7:25)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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We Are Building A City On A Hill

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0406-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

We Are Building A City On A Hill
April 1, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Haiku, HI

A cornerstone of the Kingdom is that the spirit of those whom God has anointed must be able to be re-duplicated and multiplied in others. Our light must shine before men (Matthew 5:14-16). A demonic oppression in Maui that comes to block and cover over the light was identified in this Word. Today, we speak an end to the kingdom of Satan that blocks the light. The light is going to shine and the city set on a hill cannot be hidden!

Scriptures: Matt. 5:14-16
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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The Change Of Kingdoms

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0326-5R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

The Change Of Kingdoms
March 18, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI

We are not just to be seers who merely observe and know what God is doing; we are to be prophets who speak a Word that changes and creates the new day of the Kingdom of God in the earth. In this service, we prophesied against the satanic forces of darkness that are set against God’s Kingdom. We proclaimed the new day of the Kingdom of God coming forth on this earth.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Instructions In Fresh Participation / Turn Away From The Battle

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0326-3R

Instructions In Fresh Participation / Turn Away From The Battle, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Anaheim, CA on Sunday, July 22, 1973 and in Anaheim, CA on Sunday, November 11, 1973. Hidden Treasure.

Instructions In Fresh Participation

We must use any means possible to get everyone to participate in a service, so that it becomes Body ministry instead of a performance. We must create the atmosphere in which a spiritual babe can be drawn in to participate until they gravitate to the spiritual level of that church. We can assimilate new people into the Body immediately this way. The day of individuality is giving way to the day of Body ministry. (This message has previously been published in the book, Meditations For Worshipers and as a This Week, 11-3-74.)

Turn Away From The Battle

As we enter into new levels, the enemy comes against us only to be judged. We have the authority of Jesus’ name that assures us of all victory. Stand in the reality of the promises of God and prophesy against the oppression that rises up against the people of the Lord.

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The Best Wine For Last (A Word In Mexico City) / Don’t Be Afar Off

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0326-2R

The Best Wine For Last (A Word In Mexico City) / Don’t Be Afar Off, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Mexico City, Mexico on Thursday, July 5, 1973 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 29, 1973. Hidden Treasure.

The Best Wine For Last (A Word In Mexico City)

The miracle described in John chapter 2 of water being turned into wine is symbolic of what God is doing today. God saves the best wine for last. We must anticipate the greatest outpourings of God’s spirit that the world has ever seen because the best miracles are yet to come. The translation into Spanish was given as the Word came and is included on the tape.

Don’t Be Afar Off

Do not be discouraged. Do not be afar off. The purpose of this spiritual assault is to cause delay, and it will be ended as you wait on the Lord and pray for the apostolic ministry.

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Firstfruits / Learning By Impartation / Guidelines For Children In The Services

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0326-1R

Firstfruits / Learning By Impartation / Guidelines For Children In The Services, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, June 10, 1973, in South Gate, CA on Sunday, June 10, 1973, and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 4, 1973. Hidden Treasure.


In this Feast of Pentecost message, we find in Leviticus 23 the meaning of the firstfruits. We are the firstfruits, the instruments in God’s hand. The Kingdom of God is coming, and it is coming within you.

Learning By Impartation

The next frontier is to master the process of learning through impartation by the Holy Spirit. We have yet to delve into all the enablements that the Holy Spirit can provide for us.

Guidelines For Children In The Services

During a report on the current Church At Study program, John gives a vision for how to include children in church services. Our goal is to create one family in the household of faith, not separate churches within the church.

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Purim, The Spirit Of Esther / We Declare A Year Of Purim

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0322-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave/Marilyn Hargrave.

Purim, The Spirit Of Esther
March 8, 2001 Thursday 7:30 PM Piratininga Beach

In this Purim celebration on the beach, Gary outlined the two groups that will coexist in the Kingdom: those who settle the land, and those who take more. These two groups will not be in conflict but will reinforce one another in oneness, as both are absolutely necessary in the Kingdom. Gary also reveals his heart for the Body to enter into a unity with Marilyn’s spirit, which is the spirit of Esther that intercedes before the King until destruction is averted and sent back on the head of the instigators of evil. The message ends with a communion that welded those there, by faith, to the cry of Esther.

Scriptures: (Josh. 6:20); (Micah 4:9); (Heb. 7:25); (Psalms 110:1); (Matt. 24:22)

We Declare A Year Of Purim
March 11, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA

Gary and Marilyn give a short report on their Brazil trip and declare this a year of Purim. Our First Purim deliverance is the ending of the lie that says we are separated from Gary and Marilyn.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Understanding Our Dilemma

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0319-1R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Understanding Our Dilemma
March 4, 2001 Sunday 9:30 AM Mount Zion, Brazil

In the last service of the Brazil trip, Gary explains in more detail the communication he had with the Lord last Tuesday, February 28th. We continue to ask the Lord for His answer to the great dilemma of not drawing multitudes when the Lord gives us the gift of healings. We want the atmosphere kept pure for the Lord to continue to mature us.

Scriptures: Matt. 8:3; (Matt. 8:4; 9:30; 12:16; 16:20; 17:9); (Mark 1:43-44; 5:43; 7:36; 8:30; 9:9; 3:4-14); (Luke 15:14; 8:56; 9:21)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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It’s Time To Create!

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0315-3R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

It’s Time To Create!
February 26, 2001 Monday 9:30 AM Mount Zion, Brazil

An extremely urgent call is sounded to all the prophets of God that they must create in the spirit today what will be manifest in the Kingdom tomorrow. The school of prophets will learn to be co-creators with God by being under the tutelage and rule of their Elijahs. The prophets at Mount Zion begin to walk in this as they, through their violent proclamation, create and open the doors for the homes at Mount Zion to be built.

Scriptures: 2 Kings 13:14-20; Eph. 2:10
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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To Elijahs Everywhere / We Took A Step

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0315-2R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave/Silas Esteves.

To Elijahs Everywhere
February 26, 2001 Monday 2:00PM Mount Zion, Brazil

This is a meeting with those who have given their lives as Elishas and have experienced serving. The Lord is wanting the Elishas of yesterday to recognize themselves as the Elijahs of today. We must, as Elijahs, be positioned to create the new day when the next Elishas submit to us.

We Took A Step
February 26, 2001 Monday 7:00PM Mount Zion, Brazil

After so many creative words during this camp, many people took a step of faith in obedience to the Lord by voicing their commitment to become Elishas. By confessing your commitment, you create it.

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