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Release #: 79-07-16-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

June 20, 1979 Wednesday A.M. Hono.

On the north shore of Oahu the Holy Spirit, grieving, revealed what organized Christianity had done to the Island people and is doing to the whole Body of Christ now. The vision reaches into the purity of the Kingdom to come when the money changers will again be driven from God’s House. Will not judgment begin with the smug religious den of thieves? This tape is a land mine that the Babylonian dedication will explode. It will be a controversial tape but it will be the sting of Christ’s whip on the back of the money changers and a clear prophecy to ecclesiastical and financial Babylon. To the thousand prophets, this is excellent. (60 min.)

Scriptures: (I Tim. 5:17-18); (Luke 10:4,7,10-12); (Rom. 10:14-17); (Matt. 23:15); (Matt. 7:22-23); (I Cor. 3:3-4); (Mark 9:38-40); (Acts 23:6-9); (I Cor. 1:26-29); (I Cor. 2:8); (John 2:14-16); (Isa. 40:3-4); (Isa. 62:10); (Isa. 2:2); (Luke 13:34); (Prov. 23:23); (Rev. 3:17-18,20-21); (Heb. 10:25); (Rev. 17:5)
Topics: Church Order; Kingdom Order; Denomination; Lordship; Church Administration; Greed; Babylon; (New Testament Church, Then); (Submission); (Sectarianism); (Conformity); (Chosen); (Freedom); (Walls)
Series: “Revealed in the Closet” Revelations; Hawaii Conference, June 1979
Rated: For Mature Sons

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